But if you are not planning on stressing the part higher voltages, etc both will work well, especially for simple switching and logic circuits. The devices maximum voltage tolerance breakdown voltage across its collector and base is 60 volts for 2n2222 and 75 volts for 2n2222a, with the emitters kept open. Dec 11, 2017 2n2222a is a npn transistor hence the collector and emitter will be left open reverse biased when the base pin is held at ground and will be closed forward biased when a signal is provided to base pin. Due to the low cost and small size it is the most commonly used transistor. The 2n2222 part is the older style part which might be the reason they are being offered at a low price.
The 2n2222a is a slight bit better in terms of vceo, vcbo, vebo. Obviously, amplifiers and oscillators should operate somewhat below this frequency. Buy your 2n2222a from an authorized multicomp pro distributor. Scillc makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding. Philips, alldatasheet, datasheet, datasheet search site for electronic components and. Switching time equivalent test circuits scope rise time semelab plc.
Npn switching transistor mmbt2222a thermal characteristics note 1. Mcc tm micro commercial components omponents 20736 marilla street chatsworth. For your security, you are about to be logged out 60 seconds. The 2n2222a is a silicon npn transistor with 50v collector emitter voltage and 800ma continuous collector current. Jan 08, 20 the maximum allowed continuous current for a 2n2222a is 800ma but its maximum specd current is 500ma. Its datasheet shows that it saturates best when its base current is 110th the collector current. General purpose transistors npn silicon maximum ratings rating symbol value unit collectoremitter voltage pn2222 pn2222a vceo 30 40 vdc collectorbase voltage pn2222 pn2222a vcbo 60 75 vdc emitterbase voltage pn2222 pn2222a vebo 5. Npn switching transistors, 2n2222 datasheet, 2n2222 circuit, 2n2222 data sheet. I have seen many circuits using the 2n2222 transistor correct me if it isnt one. Pinning pin description 1 emitter 2 base 3 collector, connected to case. The 2n2222 is a common npn bipolar junction transistor bjt used for general purpose lowpower amplifying or switching applications. They are designed for high speed switching application at collector current up to. Description npn switching transistor in a to18 metal package. Amplifier transistors npn silicon maximum ratings rating symbol value unit collectoremitter voltage vceo 40 vdc collectorbase voltage vcbo 75 vdc emitterbase voltage vebo 6.
Nov 30, 2015 transistor gain drops with increasing frequency. Its maximum saturation voltage loss is 1v so at a collector current of 500ma it gets very hot. The 2n3904 is an npn transistor that can only switch onethird the current of the 2n2222 but has otherwise similar characteristics. Characteristics tj 25 c unless otherwise specified. Pn2222 2n2222a 2n2222 pnp 2n2222pn2222 fn2222a 2n2222 micro electronics pn2222a le 2n2222 power pn2222 2n2222 text. The major functional area of 2n2222 is enclosed in to18 package. Scillc reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein. Symbol parameter conditions value unit rthja thermal resistance from junction to ambient note 1 500 kw.
Substitute for 2n2222 electronics forum circuits, projects. Switching time equivalent test circuits scope rise time 2n2222a transistor datasheet pdf, 2n2222a equivalent. Circuit schematic can help us to understand better about how a component or chip is used and worked in circuits. The 2n2222 bjt belongs to a sort of npn bipolar junction transistor, used for general purpose lowpower amplifying or switching applications. Its a reference to make them work in an actual circuit. Switching time equivalent test circuits scope rise time npn. When it comes to thermal conduction, metal always beats plastic. Bipolar bjt single transistor, npn, 40 v, 300 mhz, 1. The 2n3904 exhibits its forward gain beta peak at a lower current than the 2n2222, and is useful in amplifier applications with reduced i c, e. The following 2n2222a circuit diagram is a sample for reference. We request all our valued customers to order from home and stay safe at home we are shipping to most of the pincodezipcode of india and international. It is also possible to glue very small heat sinks on a transistor to increase its wattage, say a small piece of flat metal.
Switching time equivalent test circuits scope rise time jan 01, 2020 the transistor 2n2222 or 2n2222a are npn types and has the following electrical parameters. Ksp2222a is a npn transistor hence the collector and emitter will be left open reverse biased when the base pin is held at ground and will be closed forward biased when a signal is provided to base pin. The equivalent for 2n2222a ic are 2n2907, 2n3904, 2n3906. The central semiconductor 2n2221a, 2n2222a types are silicon npn planar epitaxial transistors designed for small signal general purpose and switching applications. Smd general purpose transistor npn smd general purpose transistor npn features npn silicon epitaxial planar transistor for switching and amplifier applications rohs compliance mechanical data case. Pricing and availability on millions of electronic components from digikey electronics. Click here specifications transistor transistor polarity. The silicon npn transistor is designed for use with small signal general purpose amplifier and switch. Bc549c is an npn transistor in a small plastic case. So i just wanted to know can the bc148 be used as a general substitute for 2n2222 or is it just the case in this.